Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fabulous Finds it's been a really long time, 3 months actually, since I've posted. The new job has kept me busy, but I'm back...excited?

I've found quite some fun things over the past few months, let me share my favorites:

First, Lars got a new collar at Marshall's. It has Swarovski elements and is made of blue leather. So cute, and for $11 (now only $10 in stores!) it's great. And Lars is as adorable as ever!
 As far as clothes (all from Marshalls'). This great Kenar top was on clearance for $10 and it's light pink cotton with beading at the neckline and sleeves. It got it in large to wear with leggings, I'm in love. Then I found this great printed, 1-sleeved dress for $14.99. I think I'll wear this out tonight. Oh and I can't forget these Steve Madden wedges. I have worn them so much this summer- they are so comfortable. And they're on sale now: check your local Marshall's!!!

I also found this great wool cloche (a bucket-y hat) with a rosette. Usually these are too big for my head and fall too far over my eyes, but this one fits just perfectly, for only $7.50! Get yours here!
I also found an amazing headband with black tulle, bows and small feathers for only $6.80. My plan is to wear it in Atlantic City...if I have the guts to pull it off. We'll just have to see.

As far as yard sales, haven't been to too many this summer. But, I did get an exercise bike off Craigslist for only $75 and it's in great shape! And they were even nice enough to bring it to my house (we were in the same town) in their truck. It's great and I've used it a lot already. I just turn on Netflix, get on the bike, and an hour later I'm sweating and burned off 300 calories all while enjoying a movie (or Xena reruns haha). It's perfect!

So you may be wondering: when is she ever going to publish her guide? Well...NOW (look at the post above). :)

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